B-WET Lessons Overview

We have developed a series of educational modules that will teach students about flood risk, climate change, human activities, nature-based solutions, and resilience, with a focus on central Michigan. Students will collect and analyze climate and hydrologic data, use online tools to visualize changes in their neighborhoods, and have field-based experiences to see how climate change and flooding are linked in their watersheds. The culmination of these lessons are student-led Environmental Action Projects that will give students the opportunity to translate what they have learned into educational and outreach activities within their communities.

Click on each link below to learn more about specific modules and download materials. Or you can download materials for all modules using the button below!

In Module 1, students learn about climate change through game-based learning and collect and analyze their own rainfall data and compare it to long term data.

In Module 2, students learn about flood probability through simulations, learn how to interpret FEMA flood maps, and visit locations in their watershed to visualize flood impacts and nature-based solutions.

In Module 3, students learn how flooding is affected by land cover and soil type and collect and analyze infiltration data on their school grounds. They will also explore nature-based solutions to mitigate flooding.

In this capstone experience, students will use what they’ve learned to develop Environmental Action Projects aimed at teaching others about flood hazards, changing impacts, and risk in their watershed.