Module 1 Weather and Climate Data Collection and Analysis

In this module, students will learn how precipitation data is collected and analyzed to determine changes in precipitation over time. Students will measure precipitation as part of the CoCoRaHS precipitation monitoring network and use their data to analyze precipitation climatology for their school and compare it to historical records. Students will learn about things that cause the climate to change, and then use online visualization tools to look at potential future precipitation scenarios in their watershed.

Module 1.1 Introduction to the MWEE – Problem definition: Students will watch a collection of short videos on the Sanford MI dam failure and brainstorm questions about the impact of flooding in their watershed and how that relates to weather and climate.

Module 1.2 Field Sampling of Precipitation Data: In this module students will develop an understanding of the source of climate data by learning about the CoCoRaHS network, how to make precipitation measurements, choosing a location on their school campus to have a precipitation station, and collecting their own precipitation data.

Module 1.3 Precipitation Data Analysis: Students will use their collection of precipitation measurements to conduct basic statistical analysis on precipitation at their school, comparing their data to the historical precipitation data in their watershed.

Module 1.4 Climate Change in My Watershed: Through short videos and a climate change simulation game students will learn about the physical processes that cause the climate to change. Then students will place their results from the previous module within the context of possible future climates by using online visualization tools that show possible future precipitation and climate conditions for their region.